The Painted Rocks craze has swept the globe, with an estimated 750,000 people participating. Find out what it's all about and how it all began.
Knowing which supplies to purchase can be daunting at first, or sometimes even when you have done this for awhile. We have an entire guide on what you need and what not to use.
Get the latest tips on how to get started, where to meet other like-minded people, how and where to place rocks, tracking your rocks and so much more.
Connect with others who are as passionate about Painted Rocks as yourself. There are dozens of Facebook groups that will help you get in contact with others. Most of the groups are local, others are national or worldwide. Some groups are simply for tips and instructions on how to proceed.
We have a Facebook Group for this Painted Rox page, and another for connecting with people throughout the entire planet. Feel free to visit them to see if they are of interest to you and join to connect with others who share the same interest.
If you want to get a jump on what to do first, take a look at our Quick Guide. It contains a shortened, condensed version of our Detailed Guide to get you started fast.
You will find out the quickest steps to get started including attaching your labels, placing a #hashtag on the rock, and sealing it to keep it looking fresh for a long time.
There are not a lot of details, but this might be all that you need to get started.
Trying to figure out what to paint on your rocks? We have a huge, ever-growing list for you. Everything from funny faces to animals, bugs, abstract art, and even inspirational quotes.
The nice thing about the Painted Rocks craze is that you get to paint whatever you feel like, even if you are not artistic. These rocks are meant to brighten someone's day in some way, and give you joy in the process.
So have fun, don't stress too much about what to paint, and make the world a better place.